Saturday, December 13, 2008

Configuring port forwarding for your PS3

I have a WRT54g v7 and using it with a PS3 is a pain - the router restarts every time you show the XMB, exit a game or for just about any other reason. The only solution is to disable UPnP; since the PS3 needs incoming connections on certain ports, this seems to cause some probems for it. Until recently, I used a horrible ISP that had a transparent proxy in front of my internet connection - meaning I couldnt get any incoming connections in the first place. Also, I use the excellent Ps3 Proxy Server to download games/demos to my computer and then install them on the PS3 via the LAN; till date I have yet to run into any problems with the PS3's network connection

Now however, I have switched to Airtel Broadband, which means, port forwarding is actually useful. So I made my Wireless Router a DMZ machine in the ADSL modem. Then I decided to find out the ports that PS3 needs.

The list is massive and seemingly publisher dependent.
All games published by Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA)may use the following ports for communication with the game servers:

• TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223, and 10070 - 10080
• UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658, and 10070

For the PLAYSTATION®Network:

• TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223

• UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658

PLAYSTATION®3 Remote Play (via the Internet) requires:
• If the router in use supports UPnP, enable the router’s UPnP function.
• If the router does not support UPnP, you must set the router’s port forwarding to allow communications to the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system from the Internet.
• The port number that is used by remote play is TCP Port: 9293

For headset operation, such as USB or BluetoothTM headsets:

SOCOM and SOCOM II U.S. Navy SEALs, along with some other 1st party online sports titles require the following ports for voice chat:
• UDP Ports: 6000 - 6999, 10070

SOCOM 3: U.S. Navy SEALs requires the following ports:
• TCP Port: 80
• UDP Ports: 6000 - 7000, 50000

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain uses the following port to connect to the game server:
• TCP Port: 3658

PlayOnline and Final Fantasy XI uses the following ports for various functions:
• TCP Ports: 25, 80, 110, 443, and 50000 - 65535
• UDP Ports: 50000 - 65535

Note: Please make sure to enable these TCP/UDP ports in BOTH directions.
Jeez! Port 80 AND 443 incoming? What are you guys doing? One guy on the internet recommended his internet settings

These should work, either that or I put the PS3 in a DMZ on my Wireless router.

BTW, do you know those Airtel ADSL modems are running Linux and you can telnet into them? Also, its surprisingly easy to spoof your MAC address on Windows, meaning you shouldnt rely on MAC filtering for security. The registry hack BTW, (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}) works even on devices which seeming dont expose the MAC spoofing option...


Pog said...

I knew about telnet - cuz I've done many a port forwarding and the first way to spoof the MAC. Thanks for option 2.

Unknown said...

What's this Ps3 Proxy Server you were talking about? A stand alone app for the PC? Or a website? My PSN download speeds are abysmal. Can you download game patches this way?

Ashish Vashisht said...

PS3 Proxy Server is a proxy server specifically designed for game consoles. You can get it here. It allows you to replace any URL with a local file. I primarily use it for two purposes:
1. Bypass the firmware check to go online. When the PS3 starts, it looks up the latest firmware version on the net, if it finds a newer version, it wont let you go online on PSN. But using the proxy, you can pass it the older version of the firmware listing page, thus going online even without updating the firmware
2. Install demos, patches and other stuff off PSN. (As of Firmware 2.0, you can ONLY use the proxy server to download stuff to your PC and install it, you cant replace one content with another [i.e. you cant use the proxy to pirate stuff]) For this, just let the PS3 start DLing a file. This will cause the URL to show in the log. Cancel the DL, then DL the file to the PC using the URL. Set the proxy to replace the URL with the local file. Then reattempt the DL on the PS3 - it will DL off the LAN, at full speed :)